Judges are reminded to request feedback from Clubs. Either take a blank feedback form to club judging or email one with your written report if the judging is remote.
Judge's Special Interest Codes:O = OPEN
Mb: 0411 844 376 Email: p.bartlettm(at)bigpond.com Club, Voice Recorded, Written, Skype Skype ID: pambartlettm O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp Sem A PT John BLESSAS, PSQA - Mackay Link to BIO Mb: 0428 495 929 Ph: 07 4959 2989 Email: jb(at)mky.net.au Club (no travel), Voice Recorded, Written, Skype Skype ID: john.blessas O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp Sem A PT Bob BRITCHER, AFIAP, AAPS, PSQA - Ipswich Link to BIO Ph: 07 3288 8886 Mb: 0409 475 218 Email: brtrpctr(at)bigpond.net.au Panel only (travel negotiable) M P N PJ SD Sc Sp PT Ralph BROWN, AAIPP AAPS AFIAP PSQA - Sunshine Coast Link to BIO Mb: 0400 046 476 Email: brown_rd(at)outlook.com Club visit (within 90min), Panel, Voice Recorded, Written, Skype, Zoom Skype ID: sailguys O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp Sem A PT and Audio Visuals Maureen CARTHY PSQA – Townsville Link to BIO maureen_carthy.pdf Mb: 0400 947 771 Email: maureen.carthy(at)optusnet.com.au Club, Voice Recorded, Written, Zoom Skype ID: maureen.carthy1994 O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp A PT C. (no astro or night skies) Georgie CATLOW PSQA - Caloundra Mobile : 0419 720 448 Email: georgie.catlow(at)bigpond.com Panel judging only. O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp Sem A PT Ken CHAPMAN AAPS PSQA - Gympie Ph: 07 5482 2926 Email: none Club visit (as far as Carseldine), Panel, Voice Recorded, Written O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp A PT Sue CHEN EFIAP FAPS PSQA Sunnybank Mb: 0408 383 808 Email: schendiamond88(at)gmail.com Simon COX AAPS PSQA – Rockhampton Link to BIO Mb: 0428 780 701 Ph: 07 4938 7652 Email: sasaussie(at)bigpond.com Club, Written, Zoom O M P N Pj SD Sc Sp A PT Robert CULLEN PSQA - Bundaberg Link to BIO Ph: 07 4160 6146 Mb: 0407 769 399 Email: robert.cullen(at)outlook.com Club (within 100K), Voice Recorded, Written. O M P PJ SD Sc A PT Gordon DEAN FIAP(silver) GMAPS PSQA - Blackbutt Mb : 0422 334 717 Email: gordondean(at)gmail.com Club (within 3 hours), Voice recorded, written O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp PT Dan DEMY-GEROE EFIAP/s GMAPS PSQA - Brisbane Link to BIO dan_demy-geroe_2023.pdf Mb: 0433 079 794 Ph: 07 3349 5489 Email: dandemy(at)gmail.com Club, Written, Zoom O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp A PT C Tina DIAL EFIAP/g, APSEM, SAPS, PSQA – Ipswich Link to BIO. tina_dial_psqa.pdf Ph: 0402 910 828 Email: ottine(at)optusnet.com.au Remote Only until 2024, Panel, Voice Recorded, Written O. P N PJ SD Sc Sp A PT John DOODY AAPS AFIAP PSQA - Brisbane Mb: 0423 891 812 Ph: 07 3848 4739 Email: doodyjm(at)bigpond.net.au Club, Panel, Voice Recorded O M P N Sc Sp A PT Daryl FISHER PSQA - Brisbane Mb: 0409 265 376 Email: dj.fotoworx(at)gmail.com Club, Panel, Written, Zoom O M N P Sc Sp PT Richard FOORD PSQA - Cairns Link to BIO richard_foord_2024.pdf Mb: 0401 654 416 Email: richardfoord(at)gmail.com Club (am keen to visit), Panel, Written, Zoom/Skype, Voice Recorded O M N P PJ SD Sc Sp PT Gang WEI PSQA - Mt Gravatt Mb: 0421 183 839 Email: gweiaus(at)gmail.com Club (within 2 hours), Voice Recorded, Written Skype ID: live:brisbanebighead O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp A PT Jenny GRAFF AAPS PSQA - Tasmania Mb: 0419 780 720 Email: jenny.graff(at)bigpond.com Written, Skype, Zoom O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp A PT Angela GREGORY AAPS PSQA - Bundaberg Link to BIO gregory_angela_2023.pdf Mb: 0419 265 078 Email: agregory(at)bigpond.com Club (local only), MPC, Voice Recorded, Written, Skype, Zoom O M P N SD Sc Sp Graham HARRIS CF FAPS EFIAP PPSA GPU CR-2 PSQA - Toowoomba Link to BIO graham_harris_2024.pdf Mb: 0439 485 849 Ph: 07 4635 4290 Email: graham_harris(at)westnet.com.au Club, Panel, Voice Recorded, Written, Skype, Zoom Skype ID: graham.harris75 O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp Sem A PT Keven HYDE PSQA - Caloundra Link to BIO keven_hyde_2024.pdf Mb: 0422 238 329 Email: kevenhyde(at)gmail.com Clubs visit up to an hour away, Panel, Voice Recorded, Written, Zoom O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp A PT C Rochelle JAMES FAPS PSQA Ipswich Mb: 0488 778 381 Email: rochellejamesphotography(at)mail.com Club visit up to 40km, Panel, Voice Recorded, Written, Skype, Zoom O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp A P Brian KENNY PSQA - Toowoomba Ph: 0417 751 144 Email: bmkenny(at)tpg.com.au Club, Panel O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp A PT Elizabeth KODELA EFIAP/b GPU2CR MAPS, SAPS, PSQA - Brisbane Link to BIO Mb: 0412 783 300 Ph: 07 3870 8556 Email: ekodela(at)bigpond.net.au Club, Panel, Voice Recorded, Written, Skype Skype ID: elizajane51 O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp Sem A PT Belinda KRANZ PSQA - Benarkin Link to BIO belinda_kranz_2024.pdf Mb: 0407 025 470 Email: belinda.kranz(at)bigpond.com Voice Recorded, Written, Club (depending on where and how much notice.) O M N P PJ SD Sc Sp A PT C David LAMB PSQA - North Brisbane Mb: 0424 800 784 Email: dave.lamb45(at)gmail.com Club (distance negotiable), Panel, Voice Recorded, Written O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp A PT John LOMAS LAPS SSAPS FPSQ PSQA - Brisbane Link to BIO lomas_john_2023.pdf Mb: 0412 063 862 Ph: 07 3266 8481 Email: john.lomas(at)outlook.com.au Club ( within 60 min), Panel, Voice Recorded, Written. O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp A PT C Nev MALE EFIAP FAPS SSAPS PSQA - Sunshine Coast Mb: 0438 650 107 Email: nev.male(at)bigpond.com Club, Panel, Voice Recorded, Written O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp A PT Fran MCFADZEN PPSA AFIAP FAPS PSQA - Yeppoon Link to BIO fran_mcfadzen_2023.pdf Mb: 0439 567 886 Email: mcfadzef(at)yahoo.com.au Voice Recorded, Zoom, Written, Panel, Interclub Competitions O M P N SD Sc Sem A PT C Margaret O'GRADY EFIAP/s GMAPS SAPS PSQA - Brisbane Link to BIO margaret_ogrady_2024.pdf Mb: 0411 118 079 Ph: 07 3202 5115 Email: ogradymargaret9(at)gmail.com Club, Panel, Written, Zoom Skype ID: mog12310 O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp A PT Peter O'BRIEN AFIAP FAPS SSAPS PSQA - Brisbane Mb: 0408 783 184 Ph: 07 3205 4563 Email: peterjob05(at)hotmail.com Club, Panel, Voice Recorded, Written O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp A PT Anne PAPPALARDO AAPS Link to BIO anne_pappalardo_2025.pdf Mb: 0407 081 098 Email: [email protected] Club (up to 150 kms from Brisbane) Voice Recorded, Written or Zoom. O M P N Sp A PT C Terry POWER PSQA - Cairns Mb: 0434 042 234 Email: terrypowercairns(at)gmail.com Club (within 90 mins), Panel, Voice Recorded, Written, Zoom O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp A PT Victoria PURDIE AFIAP AAPS PSQA - Brisbane Link to BIO purdie_victoria_2023.pdf Mb: 0413 166 196 Email: vicpurdie(at)gmail.com Small Clubs, Panel, Written O P PJ SD Sc Sp PT Chrissie ROBINSON EFIAP, FAPS, QPSA, PSQA Caboolture Mb: 0437 160 345 Email: callmechrisy(at)outlook.com Club Visit (within 90 min), Panel, Written, Zoom. O, P, SD, Sc, Sp, Sem, PT, A, C Lyn ROMANO PSQA - North Lakes Link to BIO Mb: 0419 262 004 Email: romanolynette(at)gmail.com Club, Panel, Written, Zoom, Live O M P N PJ Sc Sp A PT C Allan ROSSER PSQA - Toowoomba Link to BIO allan_rosser_2023.pdf Mb: 0402 847 295 Phone: 07 4633 3445 Email: [email protected] Club, Voice recorded, Written, Zoom O M N P Sc A PT Glenn ROSSITER LAPS PSQA - Brisbane Link to BIO rossiter_glenn_2023.pdf Mb: 0402 240 815 Ph: 07 3284 9906 Email: glennrossiter(at)optusnet.com.au Club (travel negotiable) Panel, Zoom O, M, N, Sc, Sp, A, PT C Anne RUSSELL LRPS AFIAP PSQA - Kenmore, Brisbane Link to BIO Ph: 07 3378 4981 Mb: 0411 255 434 Email: anne(at)russellsynergies.com.au Club (within 50K), Panel, Zoom O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp Sem A PT Gerard SAIDE SSAPS PSQA - Toowoomba Mb: 0419 733 019 Email: gerardsaide(at)hotmail.com Club, Voice Recorded, Written O M P PJ SD Sc Sp Sem PT Lee SCHATKOWSKI PSQA Beaudesert Mb: 0400 686 026 Email: leewschatkowski(at)hotmail.com O, M, N, Sc, A, PT, C CLUB ( travel negotiable ) Zoom, Written, Voice recorded. Hans SCHMIDT LAPS PSQA - Maryborough Link to BIO schmidt_hans_2023.pdf Mb: 0419 717 922 Email: hschmidt05(at)outlook.com Club (within 200 kms), Voice Recorded, Written Zoom, Teams O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp Sem A PT C Mel SINCLAIR Brisbane Link to BIO mel_sinclair_2024.pdf Mb: 0409 202 618 Email: mel(at)melsinclair.com.au Club visit (within 100km), Panel/Impact, Voice Recorded, Written, Teams, Zoom O M N PJ SD Sc Sem A PT C Michael J STEFANINI EFIAP FAPS PSQA - Brisbane Link to BIO Mb: 0413 005 914 Ph: 07 3204 6813 (preferred phone) Email: afghans(at)netspace.net.au Club (travel negotiable), Voice Recorded, Panel, Written (75 or less) O M N P PJ SD Sc Sp Sem A PT John STEWART SSAPS AAPS PSQA - Toowoomba Mb: 0428 364 871 Ph: 07 4636 4871 Email: johnstewart7(at)me.com Local Only O P PJ SD Sc Sp A PT Ben STOFFL EFIAP FAPS PSQA - Gympie Link to BIO Mb: 0452 581 949 Email: bstoffl(at)gmail.com Club (within 1.5 hour), Skype, Zoom Skype ID: ben.stoffl1 O M P PJ SD Sc Sp A PT Paul TILLEY FAPS PSQA – Nth Brisbane Link to BIO Mb: 0401 627 371 Ph: 07 3888 6464 Email: roo_69(at)tpg.com.au Club (within an hour), Voice Recorded, Written, Skype Skype ID: superroo1969 O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp Sem A PT Warren VEIVERS AFIAP FAPS SSAPS PSQA - Capalaba, Brisbane Link to BIO Mb: 0422 757 729 Ph: 07 3206 3760 Email: wavephoto(at)aapt.net.au Club (distance negotiable), Voice Recorded, Written, Zoom, No Dropbox - Disk or Memory Stick is fine. O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp Sem A PT Damian WALLS Mackay Mb: 0437 956 178 Email: damo(at)damophoto.net Voice Recorded, Written, Skype, Zoom O P Sc Barry WHISSON PSQA - Toowoomba Link to BIO Mb: 0420 349 504 Ph: 07 4635 3267 Email: whisson(at)aapt.net.au Club, Voice Recorded, Written, Zoom O M P N PJ SD Sc Sp A PT C Glenda WORLEY GMAPS PSQA - Gladstone Link to BIO Mb: 0404 892 983 Email: worleymob(at)yahoo.com.au Club (within 90 min), Panel, Written, Zoom. O M P N PJ SD S PT |
If there are errors in your personal details, please contact Web Admin at psqweb(at)gmail.com with corrections.